Collecting Data Manually VS Automatically

In previous videos we have talked about the importance of using data to Lead. Whether that is to make the case for more resources, for someone to get promoted/fired or to make a case for a pivot in strategy…Data is the key to unlocking the things you need.

What I see happen a lot with Leaders, is they decide to start creating metrics or monitoring performance and the first thing they think of is a manual data entry process. You setup a google spreadsheet and ask everyone to fill it out with the information you need from them. Then you do your magic. While fast and easy, it comes with some major risks, like data entered inaccurately, incomplete data, missing data and worse, it can cause burnout in your teams.

Finding a way to use the tools they already use on a daily basis, via an API or manual exports (on your part) is a much more stable, reliable and consistent manner. You know the system as is good as the source of truth AND your people don’t have to waste their time doing data entry and can focus on the valuable skill you hired them for in the first place.

If you have to use manual data entry, remember to keep the data concise, document steps thoroughly AND train people over and over.

I hope this was helpful! Thanks for being here! Take care!

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