How Are You Perceived as a Leader?

The old adage “Perception is 9/10s reality” is spot on when it comes to life, but when you put it in the business scenario, it truly is the lens that you have to view things that involve your people. Whether it’s rockstars being held back by their lack of interest in inner office politics or poor performers that have a great executive presence…the perception of you, your team or your people, drives your ability to succeed as a leader.

A great leader will help drive perception by setting up their people for success. Whether that is role playing, practice, training or just building them up via indirect convos about their contributions. It’s also important to clearly show them the visuals people are creating with their actions (or lackthereof).

It’s not always a fun convo or situation, but it cannot be ignored. Help your people keep their outward visuals and perceptions in sight!

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