How you carry yourself is a very nuanced topic, so I am sure we will talk more about this from other angles. It’s important to understand how your behavior impacts your team. Do you panic in times of stress? Are you pretty level regardless of the situation? There isn’t anything wrong with any response, as long as your are supporting and not manipulating and driving through fear. Some people wear their emotions on their sleeve, some keep them close to the vest…you just have to understand what that means for your team. Myself, I am consistently level regardless of the situation…which some would think is all positive. The reality is, my team, peers and leaders initially thought that my lack of response meant that I didn’t understand the impact or urgency. With that, I know I need to focus on explaining with words the urgency and impact to make sure that people understand the scenario regardless of my emotions (or lack thereof).
Thank you for being here! Let me know if I can help you in some way!