How to Deal with Conflict in a Team

Teams are made up of humans, so  conflict is a very normal and natural part of highly effective teams. The key for leaders is to make sure that you harness it, manage it and most importantly don’t let it fester.

How do you harness conflict? Well, conflict is usually a disagreement about something. Which means that conflict is actually creating a situation where the “best path forward” is being discussed. Harnessing conflict means utilizing the conflict to make sure that as a group you are moving in the right direction.

What about managing it? This one is pretty straightforward, listen to both sides and help get to a conclusion that makes the most sense overall and move forward, don’t linger, don’t overthink it…come to a decision and move forward.

Lastly, how do you avoid a conflict festering? When it’s done, it’s done. It’s important to set expectations with people and say something like, “while we might not all be in agreement here, we have to pick a direction. This direction feels like it has a viable direction and enough support to move forward. Let’s all move forward together and if it’s the wrong direction, it’s on me as the leader.”

It’s important to check in with people on the other end of the decision. Help them understand why their way wasn’t the right direction or why it wasn’t as viable as the other. But more importantly, make sure they know that it’s not about them as a person, it’s about making a decision and moving forward. Rather than spending multiple meetings spinning on the same topic over and over.

I hope this was helpful! Thanks for being here! Take care!

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