How to Find Your Leadership Style

Your leadership style is something that is really good to understand as early in your leadership career as possible. It’s not easy, but it’s important. If you don’t understand how you lead, you will be inconsistent in your actions and emotions. Which can lead your people to feel frustrated, confused or simply lost on how to interact with you. It takes self relection and some research to understand where you feel as a person and a leader, but it’s worth the early investment. From there, it’s understanding the strengths and weaknesses of that style.

For me, I am fairly laissez-faire, meaning that I trust my teams to do their job. I am around, I am aware of what is happening on a day to day basis…but I am only there to knock out blockers, get answers and help when asked. I stay out of their way and let them do what they are best at! I am also extremely laid back, I don’t get too worked up over stressful situations, not because I don’t care or don’t understand…but because I make worse decisions when I feed into the stress. The problem is my team, my leaders and my peers assumed because I wasn’t worked up, I didn’t understand the severity. So I have to really focus on explaining the pain and urgency, so people know how to react in their own way. If I don’t, I am not be a good leader and letting one of my strengths become a weakness because of perception.

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