Leading with influence instead of authority is the main foundation of this channel, it’s not about title, it’s about taking care of the people around you and helping get things accomplished, regardless of title!
How do you influence people? It starts with establishing your credibility. This isn’t you talking about it, it’s by action and social proof. Whether it’s utilizing your skills to respond in chaos, letting the team micro fail even after you told them the risks or being a continuous thought leader in the industry…your credibility will only be realized in action.
From there, it’s all about building relationships based on trust, respect and empathy. You do that by connecting on a emotional level, this can’t be done with surface level discussions. Connecting on that level and building those relationships allows you to truly understand your people! Understanding them allows you to know your motivations, strengths, weaknesses and fears, which allows you to influence change at the group level more effectively.
Outside of that, five characteristics that help support your influence as a leader include, active listening, mindfulness of others needs, being able to take feedback/criticism, being a positive energy on your team (not blindly positive) and lastly building strong relationships across the board, not just with your team.
I hope this was helpful! Thanks for being here! Take care!