Too often I hear people say the reason they want to get into leadership is the money. You will always be paid your worth to the company you work for, even if it’s your own. The key is to understand that regardless of your title, finding something you are good at and can find passion in, will ultimately lead you down the path of the money you desire.
Being a leader won’t make you lots of money, especially if you aren’t a good leader. It’s important to focus on your strengths, there are plenty of CEOs, CFOs and the like the are making big money, but that comes with big headaches. For every C-Suite employee, there is a #5 or #9 in the company that will make tons of money because they went all in on their skillset and became invaluable to the company.
If you are passionate about leadership, great, do it! If you aren’t, your path to more money is probably the one that opened up the leadership opportunity in the first place!
I hope this was helpful! Thanks for being here! Take care!