Let Your People Know Where They Stand

This definitely fits into the difficult conversations category of Leadership. Essentially, if your people don’t know where they are at any given time, your team isn’t running as effectively as it could…and it’s your fault.

Your job as a leader is to coach and support your team. If someone is struggling or if someone is crushing, it’s up to you to tell them! It’s up to you to layout the wins or layout the expectations that aren’t being met. If you skip this or don’t do it often enough (quarterly reviews aren’t enough), then you aren’t doing your job as a leader. If you aren’t having regular one on ones, you should, if you are and multiple of them go by without you communicating the wins or the shortcomings…you aren’t leading effectively and your team will suffer for it.

The best way to measure whether you are doing this effectively or not is to think of each of your people…if your boss were to do a skip level with each of them and he would bring up all the negative or positive things you have said about each person to them directly…would they be surprised by any of it? If the answer to any of those people is, yes they would be surprised, this is your opportunity to make a change.

I hope this is helpful, thanks for being here! Reach out for questions or comments!

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