EQ is the single most important skill a leader must have. This doesn’t mean you are everyones friend, that you wear your emotions on your sleeve all the time or even that you are “in touch with your softer side”…all those things are fine and good, but that isn’t what EQ is. EQ is your ability to understand your emotions, using your empathy to pick up emotional cues from those around. This allows you to understand (to an extent) how your actions, emotions and words are impacting the room.
Whether it’s a large meeting, a one on one or anywhere in between. If you aren’t able to read the room, it’s very difficult to lead effectively.
People will say, you don’t have to have EQ to lead…and most likely those are the same people that are more “command and control”, “iron fist”, “do as I say, your opinions don’t matter.” The reality is, if you can’t read a room, you will never know how effectively your conversations, strategic vision or difficult topics are going over. You are blind to how people are understanding what you trying to explain.
Understanding your emotions is the first step to becoming a leader, mix that understanding with empathy and you become a powerful force. Emotional awareness gives you strength, it doesn’t create weakness.
I hope this is helpful, thanks for being here! Reach out for questions or comments!